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Monday, October 31, 2005

Gudbye Hana, welcome Fyza..

Our housemate, hana dah pun move out. Fyza lak move in..

Beware Fyza!! Orientation week after u completely move in nnti tau...hahahaa

Gals, listkan apa patut kita DERA Fyza;

1- tunjuk skill masak atleast 1 week
2- sental bathroom sampai berkilat
3- Sapu umah siap ngan mop skali


Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Top reasons why ladies today are still single!!

1. The nice men are ugly.
2. The handsome men are not nice.
3. The handsome and nice men are gay.
4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.
5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no
6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money
think we
only after their money.
7. The handsome men without money are after our money.
8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat
think we are beautiful enough.
9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are
heterosexual,somewhat nice
and have money, are cowards.
10. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some
thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST
11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose
in us
when we take the initiative.


"Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's
our job
to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into
you'd like to have dinner with."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Here's a scenario for us to ponder:

what will happen after we graduate?
say in about a few years time?
Iris would you still be in days surviving on completing MBA?..and having busnisses here and there?
yun whereever will you be?..KL?..batu pahat?..shah alam?...teaching in an academic institution?
and me?...would i still be philosophical...?..would i still be whining about things? would i still be searching?

it's casa heaven..


Monday, October 24, 2005

7 things..

7 things I plan to do before I die

1. cukupkan amalan (sentap x faz??hehe..)
2. taubat (bln2 puasa ni Islamic sket..)
3. Ask 4 forgiveness (kalo leh kat suma org)
4. Charity (esp 2 orphans.. )
5. Get married 2 someone i really love
6. Enjoy my every precious moment in my own way
7. ..so many lah!!! penat pk

7 Celebrity crushes

1. tom welling
2. Kakashi (naruto)
3. .............
4. .............
5. .........
6. ...................
7. .............
(haihh... sshnye nak listkan 7...)

7 Often Repeated Words

1. neverlaaa...
2. sentap!!
3. takde maknenye..
4. ngahahhahahhahahhaaaa.. (count as words??)
5. hurmmph...
6. "abg isa tu kan...dia...bla bla bla..."
7. tesis..tesis..

7 physical traits I look in the opposite sex

1. eyes
2. body..not too thin definitely...not too plump..(yup..me 2 fuzz)
3. dimples (extra marks if dey have em)
4. lips + smile
5. smells good (dat's 1 important point dear..)
6. smart (dressing tak nmpk 'busuk')
7. innocent look..ngahahhaa...

~The Japs Vulgar Version~

Sunday, October 23, 2005

You've been TAGGED!

7 things I plan to do before I die

1. Live in Different countries for about at Year each(all seasons for countries with 4 seasons)
2. Learn and speak different culture and languages
3. Spreading and teaching Gamelan
4. Own a furniture company
5. Bring my parents to 'Mekah' again
6. Form my own FOundation (for the poor, the elderly, the orphans..insyAllah)
7. Married?..sure..

7 Celebrity crushes

(i seriously can't think of one)

7 Often Repeated Words
1. Kau faham tak!
2. never!
3. Hai Sayang!
4. taik!
5. ye ke!
6. cepatlaaaaa
7. insyAllah

7 physical traits I look in the opposite sex

1. butt
2. body..not too thin definitely...not too plump..
3. eyes
4. cheeks...good for a bite
5. lips..emm sexy!
6. smells good
7. nice smile...

tagged macha:
complicated life-slut

Friday, October 21, 2005


if u want ur pics 'on air' @ our shoutbox pliz send us ur pics at


resize pliz.. atleast 300 x 300 pix
p/s : dun forget 2 put ur url (blog url/myspace/frenster pun takpe..)


gurls who r hard 2 pleased

kopitiam session

solution : u dun have 2 do anything 2 pleased 'em..


Desperate Students?

3.20 a.m....just got hold of the internet again...
it's just crazy being glued to the net 24/7 ...even if you're not there digging codes and quotes...it's just somekind of relief to be "TURNED-ON" ..well of course i meant instant messengers...although you pretend to be busy studying..keeping yourself on busy mode, not entertaining messages from strangers..or friends...still not a guarantee you'd be fliiping pages of the educational books...

and it just proven the case...me and yun just finished watching desperate housewives...made a pact that we'd only watch from series 1 to 3 (the max)...to lessen the guilt for not studying...ehehe...

I was drawn to this character in the series...named Bree...the perfectionist housewive who portrays she has everything in control...who has issues with balance ....who thinks life revolves around having everything seemingly under control on the outside...it was sick and simply disturbing watching her making her family sick of the household...but then again i felt the slightest of pitty for her...when all she wanted was a word of appreciation..that she actually strives harder for that particular reason...which eventually turns her family against her even more...and same goes with susan..who's always in anger meeting her ex-husband and his new gf...when all she wanted was for him to take responsibilities of his actions by a simple word of apology....
i was thinking...it's just so easy to FORGIVE...but sadly it's just so hard for people to GIVE....
explanations doesn't necessarily work these days..in order for forgiveness....it might just lead to a deeper confusion....
if everyone could just set aside their ego and just sincerely saying "thank you" or "sorry"....it could just break the curse of the unspoken doubts......

I think i still have someone owing me an apology ..i've been waiting for almost 2 years now..
and ...yes..i do owe a lot of people apologies...and also gratitudes...

it's time for sahur..

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Melodrama


The Usual Pattern of Myspace Assholes Courting Language

1.Hi.. leh kenal
2.Boleh berkenalan?(the more more 'creative' version)
3.U look cute
4.Seksinye, boleh berkenalan?
5.U look familiar, pernah terserempak kat zouk kot, u ade pergi zouk ke lately ni?
6.hi tak tido lagi?
7.U ade YM tak?..jom la borak kat YM..
8.Add me plizzz..
9.thanks for adding me as your friends...eh..friendz...or frenz (if it doesn't serve them the satisfaction not getting replies on private message, they'll make another effort of pasting this on the comment segment)
10.Can we be frenz?..
11.I'm horny, jom borak
12.U ade no phone tak?
13.No phone saya is 01+-tolonglarcall
14.I'm here to look for partnership, together we can achieve happiness in marriage, and so goes the babbling about marriage and stuffs...(i'm just so eager to ask this dude...do you even know my freaking name?)
15.sudi tak berkawan dengan saya

what happens if you just ignore their messages, and deny their friend request

16.Susahnye nak kawan dengan awak ni....
17.Camne nak kawan dengan awak..
18.awak tak sudi ke kawan dengan saya...
19.Tak sudi ek...ok..good bye forever

heheh...you girls have anything more to add?...feel free to kill the time...
i know you want to...
*whispering*...come on...iris?...yun?.....come on......
let all the silent anger out....
express your feelings in here...i won't tell....

shhh...i hear someone snoring...
7.15 a.m...yun is sleeping..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Jom wat roommate jd giler

1. Setiap hari Jumaat, pack segala
barang ko dan
bagitau kat roommate ko nak balik kampung.
Selepas sejam, balik ke bilik & terangkan bhw
takde org kat rumah. unpack segala brg ko & pegi

2. Setiap kali roommate ko balik, jerit sekuat hati"
horee... ko dah balik". lepas tu menari dlm 5 minit.
lepas tu, tenung jam lama2 dan tanya
dia "Sepatutnya ko dah belah dah skrg"

3. Setiap kali bangun tido, jerit kuat2 " Tolong, kat
mana aku berada ni?" dan lari keliiling bilik tu.
Kemudian, sambung tidor. esoknya, kalo dia
tanya, pura2 tak tahu apa yg dia cakap.

4. Ambil marker, buat bulatan kecil kat lengan ko.
Besarkan bulatan tu setiap hari sambil
berkata "Dah merebak- dah merebak"

5. Beli pepokok bonsai. Bercakap & tidor dengan
pokok tu setiap hari. Selepas seminggu,
bertengkar dgn pokok tu dan cakap "Aku tak boleh
hidup sebilik dengan kau lagi" sambil keluar &
menghempaskan pintu bilik dgn kuat... Buang
pokok tu tapi biarkan pasu kat situ.

6. Duduk didepan papan chess dua-tiga jam tanpa
buat apa2 atau cakap apa2. lepas tu cakap, "Siot
betul, kalah lagi"

7. Setiap kali roommate ko balik, tutup lampu dan
tidor. lepas dia keluar, bangun dan menjerit dgn
kuat "Horee... ". bukak lampu semula.

8. pakai topi kertas. Bila dia balik, cakap "Selamat
Datang ke McDonald. Boleh saya ambil pesanan
anda... " Lepas tu buat muka kurang pandai,
sambil berkata "Eh, ko rupanya... "

9. Kata kat roommate ko "Ada pesanan penting
untuk ko". Lepas tu buat2 pengsan. Lepas 2-3
jam, bangun dan cakap ko dah lupa pesanan tu.
Kemudian, cakap "Eh... aku dah ingat". Lepas tu
pengsan balik.

10. Bila roommate ko balik, berpura2 tengah
telefon. Caci maki dan menjerit dengan kuat kat
telefon tu. Lepas tu letak telefon dan cakap kat
roommate ko bhw yg telefon tadi adalah mak dia.
Cakap mak dia akan telefon balik.

11. Kalau roommate ko suka gosok gigi kat sinki,
perhatikan sampai habis. Lepas dia habis, cakap
dengan dia bhw kau perlu ajar dia cara mengosok
gigi dengan betul

12. Edarkan risalah ke kawasan kedai/rumah
kedai berdekatan rumah kau. Dalam risalah tu,
nyatakan bahawa roommate ko hilang. Letak
sekali gambar dia dlm risalah tu. Tawarkan hadiah
kepada sesiapa yg menjumpai roommate ko.

13. Bila roommate ko tutup lampu pd sebelah
malam, nyanyi lagu opera sekuat hati. Bila dia
buka balik lampu, buat2 muka kurang pandai dan

14. Duduk & renung roommate ko dlm 2-3 jam.
Kalau boleh, bawa member2 sekali sambi makan
kacang & popcorn. Buat macam ko tengah tengok

15. Masa roommate ko xde, ambil deodorant dia.
Lepas tu sapukan kat seluruh dinding bilik. Bila dia
balik, puji bahawa bilik berbau wangi. Lakukan
selalu sampai deodorant tu habis.

16. Kalau roommate ko ada binatang peliharaan,
spt kucing, offer utk beri makan kpd binatang tsbt.
Cepat2 keluarkan botol gam atau minyak rambut
sebelum dia beri persetujuan kpd ko.

17. (Khas Untuk Lelaki Sahaja) Pegang & gosok-
gosok rambut roommate ko sambil
berkata "Rambut ko hitam, lurus dan berkilat la...
Macam teknik rebonding... ". Sekali-sekala buat
masa dia tengah tidur.

18. Sembunyikan seluar dalam/baju dalam ko yg
telah dipakai bawah bantal roommate ko. Bila dia
balik, komplen yg seluar/baju dalam ko hilang.
Toksah nak ngada2 pegi cari kat lain, pegi straight
kat bantal dia. Lepas tu tuduh roommate ko gila

Monday, October 03, 2005

without fuzz...

seriously, we r having so much fun! ahahhaaa....

~What Are We?~

Casa Villa Extended Sahur Kopitiam Session

Featuring Macha's:

FUzzY a.k.a The Complicated life-Slut

Iris a.k.a Surti Tejo

Yun a.k.a The Japs Vulgar Version


September 2005October 2005November 2005December 2005February 2006March 2006April 2006May 2006June 2006

today in history
Good bye casa heaven..
Shortcut Blogging
Just Ignore the Instruction in the Last Sentence
in casa
He Thinks She Thinks
The Chasing Game
New hair style

~if you can't get enough of us~

la femme écrivain
pinky angel


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